


Ukraine, paradiplomacy, twinning, cooperation, Poland, self government


The unjustified aggression against Ukraine committed by Russia on February 24, 2022 opened a new chapter in the field of foreign cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian cities, which had often previously established relationships within the framework of twinning, i.e. partner cities. The war in Ukraine did not go unnoticed by local governments in Poland. Paradiplomacy, which is an element of their functioning, allowed for specific actions, including organizing aid for Ukrainian citizens, transporting gifts, and even terminating contracts with partner cities in Belarus as a sign of protest and solidarity with the Ukrainian nation. In this article, which is of an illustrative nature, the author would like to demonstrate what forms of assistance and cooperation were implemented by selected local governments in Poland, and also present the cooperation of the partner cities of Koszalin and Iwano Frankiwsk in the form of a case study. Moreover, prospects for the development of institutional cooperation in the field of paradiplomacy of Polish and Ukrainian cities will be presented. The content also takes into account the perspective of the duration of the war in its further period. The selected research methods used are: quantitative and qualitative, historical methods, analysis of materials available on the Internet and selection of publications.


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