


ambivalence, information expansion, information war, propaganda, «turbo regime», sanctions, conflict escalation, authoritarian regime


Based on the analysis of regulatory documents, statistical information, interviews of authorized persons, information from the websites of state authorities, and mass media reports, an attempt was made to clarify the reasons for the ambivalent attitude of the countries of the world to the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine. The opinion is justified that the ambiguity of support is facilitated by the informational expansion of the Russian Federation, which is supported by cheap Russian gas and oil, help to the local elites of authoritarian states (supply of weapons and Russian mercenaries), who in return demonstrate their loyalty when voting in the UN, etc. The information expansion of Russia is the process of spreading Russian propaganda, using the media and other means of mass communication to form a certain image of the world and influence public opinion within the country and beyond. This strategy became especially relevant during the conflict in Ukraine, when Russia used the media for a propaganda campaign aimed at influencing the Ukrainian population and the world community. The amounts of aid received from Western partners and sanctioning mechanisms were analyzed. The main steps of Ukrainian diplomacy, which allow to promote Ukrainian narratives in the world political discourse, are defined. In particular, the signing of security agreements, the organization of the Global Peace Summit, etc. It is also determined that the countries that support the Russian Federation can be divided into three groups: the first group – countries that themselves violate international law by starting wars, developing nuclear weapons, and ignore UN sanctions (North Korea, Iran, Belarus, Mali); the second group of countries is the so-called «Soviet Memory Society». Without offering serious diplomatic or military assistance, they side with Russia, repeating Russian narratives that NATO expansion or Ukraine itself (Algeria, A ngola) are to blame for the war; the third group considers Western sanctions as a chance to improve the state of their country’s economy by increasing their own trade with Russia on favorable terms (China, India, Turkey). Thus, the support of Ukraine in the Russian-Ukrainian war is indeed complex and diverse and depends on the decisions of each individual country, its own interests and geopolitical strategy.


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