world security, international security, military aggression, security in European countries, security policy, threat preventionAbstract
The article examines the aggressive actions of the Russian Federation, in particular its aggression against Ukraine and hybrid aggression against Western countries. An analysis of the consequences of Russia’s actions for the security of the states of Eastern and Central Europe was carried out, with an emphasis on their political significance. The theoretical basis of the study involves understanding the concept of international security institutions and international agreements, as well as how Russia’s ignoring them affects the global competitive environment. The methods used in this study are primarily the application of analysis, synthesis and comparison, which includes the study of relevant literature, reports and international agreements to establish the context of Russia’s aggressive behavior. The results of the study demonstrate that Russia’s actions significantly affected the security of the states of Eastern and Central Europe not only from the point of view of geographical considerations, but also politically. The Kremlin’s desire to establish dominance in Central and Eastern Europe has led to military aggression and disregard for established international norms and agreements. The scientific findings of the study are important for politicians, international security institutions and countries affected by Russian aggression. The importance of strengthening international cooperation, strengthening existing security mechanisms and countering Russia’s subversive actions to preserve the global world order was emphasized. The article conducts a comprehensive study of the political significance of Russia’s aggression against the states of Eastern and Central Europe, which highlights the consequences of Russia’s actions and contributes to a better understanding of the challenges created by aggressive actors on the international arena. Mechanisms for countering threats in the field of international security in general and European security in particular are proposed.
Мельник О. Нова модель безпеки в Європі: чим допоможе Україні стратегія «компас». 2022. URL:
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