


digital technologies, hybrid warfare, moral consensus, cognitive security


The article is devoted to the study of the content and nature of the concept of hybrid warfare, which is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of modified military and political strategies and technologies. It is established that cognitive security in the context of hybrid warfare is manifested as one of the key aspects of the security of society and the state as a whole. It is emphasized that the concept of hybrid warfare has become one of the most promising and at the same time controversial areas of political science research. At the same time, there is disagreement in the expert community as to whether hybrid warfare is a new form of warfare and whether it should be qualified as a revolution in military affairs that will establish a new strategic paradigm. The experience of China in terms of «unrestricted warfare» is studied. Arguments are presented regarding the «advantages» of hybrid warfare in comparison with its classical version. The main aspects and challenges related to cognitive security in the context of hybrid warfare are considered. The main aspects of cognitive security are identified, including the impact of information influence operations on the perception and behavior of society. Attention is focused on practical cases and specific challenges faced by states in ensuring cognitive security in hybrid warfare. The methods and technologies used to manipulate information and perception are analyzed, in particular through social media, disinformation, and psychological influences. The final part of the article considers possible ways to protect against cognitive attacks and strengthen cognitive security as an important element of the overall security of society. The author discusses the roles of state institutions, the public, and international organizations in ensuring cognitive resilience. As prospects for further research, it is proposed to carry out a comprehensive analysis of information warfare strategies and tactics.


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