



war, stability, instability, political stability, security spheres, information security, social security, financial security, economic security


In this article, the author analyzes the war as a key factor of instability, which significantly affects various spheres of socio-political life and national security of modern Ukraine. The issue of war and its impact on the stability (instability) of socio-political processes in Ukraine, on the sphere of national security in Ukraine has been relevant since the beginning of 2014. However, they become especially relevant after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of independent Ukraine in February 2022. The article found out that stability is always a key factor in the successful development of any state, instead, manifestations of instability always generate crisis phenomena in the socio-political development of the state.The author concluded that war is always a powerful destructive factor that significantly affects all key spheres of life and activity in the state and society. The article is aimed at studying the peculiarities of the influence of war as a key factor of instability in modern Ukraine and its influence on various spheres of national security, in particular on information security, social security, financial security, economic security and others. This article used general scientific research methods, in particular such methods as analysis and synthesis, observation method. Much attention is paid to methods of comparison and generalization. The current unstable situation poses a serious threat to the development of various spheres of society, as well as to the preservation of national unity and independence. Today Ukraine is going through a critical period. In conditions of a full-scale invasion, constant hostilities and crisis situations, it is important to ensure the normal functioning of state institutions, protect the rights of citizens, timely identify, prevent and eliminate threats to the stability of the political system and all spheres of national security.The changes taking place in Ukraine as a result of a large-scale war negatively affect all spheres of life and activity of society and seriously undermine their functioning. Therefore, the problem of stability of the Ukrainian socio-political and security system is an important issue of international relations and an urgent subject of modern research in the political, legal and security spheres.


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