


elections, electoral process, security, democracy, manipulation, manipulative technologies, cyber manipulation


The urgency of the problem. The article examines the peculiarities of the use of manipulative technologies during the election process, which are a serious threat to political security and a deliberate violation of the principles of electoral law. Given the development of technologies and the availability of information through mass media, the Internet, and other media resources, manipulations are becoming more and more complex and threatening. The need to research the identified issue is to establish the scope and nature of manipulative technologies used during election campaigns, as well as their impact on the political process and public opinion. The meaning of the term «manipulative technology» is clarified, its types are defined and effective mechanisms are formulated to prevent and counteract manipulations, strengthen democratic principles and ensure the election process in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. The relevance of this topic is due to the need to protect constitutional values, the principles of electoral law and to form a democratic model of electoral law without manipulative technologies and other harmful influences. The purpose of the article is to study manipulative technologies during the election process and their threat to political security. Research methods. The work uses general and special methods of scientific knowledge, which made it possible to determine the content of manipulation technologies, reveal their types and influence on political security. The formal-legal method provided an opportunity to investigate the legal status of manipulative technologies, to reveal their content and structure, to investigate the definition and mechanisms of control over the use of such technologies, their impact on the electoral will of citizens and violations of political security. Thus, the results of the formal legal analysis indicate the need to improve the legislation in order to protect citizens from manipulative technologies in election processes and establish political stability and democracy. The application of the method of analysis and synthesis made it possible to investigate the main aspects related to manipulative technologies during the election process. Research results. The use of manipulative technologies during the election process threatens political security, violating democratic principles and citizens’ right to vote. There are many manipulations of these technologies in domestic legislation. All of them are aimed at misleading the voter by providing false information through the mass media, other media platforms, and even using cyber attacks to steal information that is of public benefit and important to the electoral process and the voter. The use of manipulative technologies contributes to the increase of social conflicts and the emergence of tensions in society. The lack of effective legal regulation of this issue can undermine confidence in the electoral process and democratic values, creating serious challenges that endanger the provision of stability and democracy in society.


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