


institutional features, state policy, information warfare, informational and communicative component, regional mass media


The article examines the institutional features of the formation of the regional media space and their influence on the formation of the informational and communicative component of state policy, in particular on the example of the European Union states. It was determined that the formation of the information and communication component of developed countries took place under the conditions of the development of democratic foundations in society, the formation of parliamentarism and political opposition institutions. Thanks to such a policy, powerful media systems were formed, which have the properties of self-regulation, guarantees of non-interference of the government in the work of mass communication means. Clear and balanced rules of this model guaranteed freedom of the press and free expression of opinion, an appropriate level of healthy competition of regional and national media. The article found that sufficient conditions for the qualitative development of regional media are due to the processes of their decentralization and reform, and the legal basis of such reforms was formed in accordance with established standards. For example, with the establishment of local self-government in Poland, local media became a component of the cultural development of civil society, in Hungary and Slovakia there was an increase in the influence of the government on the functioning of the media, in the Czech Republic pressure on the media of oligarchic groups increased. In general, with the reduction of public control over media regulation processes, the level of freedom decreases. The article found that sufficient conditions for the qualitative development of regional media are determined by the processes of their reform and the introduction of self-regulation principles, and the legal basis of such reforms was formed in accordance with established standards. It is also determined that the development of information policy regarding regional media generally corresponds to the rapid development of society. The regulatory basis of the information and communication vector generally guarantees the possibility of free access to independent and reliable information. And the principles of interaction between local media and authorities affect the dynamics of the region’s development. Also, it was determined that the lack of a systematic legal information policy leads to an increase in the negative impact of the political and legal foundations of the formation of an effective legislative framework for media. The article highlights the need for a deep understanding and analysis of institutional features and their impact on the formation of the informational and communicative component of state policy, in particular on the example of the functioning of regional mass media.


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