


religious freedom, religious rights, confessional security, religious pluralism, interfaith dialogue, religious self-identification


The article is dedicated to analyzing the current state and main aspects of religious security in Ukraine. Key aspects of the religious situation in the country are explored, including the legal framework, political, and socio-cultural factors influencing the relations between different religious communities and the state. The role of state institutions in ensuring religious freedom and protecting the rights of believers, as well as measures promoting interreligious dialogue, are analyzed. The article also examines challenges and threats to religious security in Ukraine, including the potential for conflicts on religious grounds and extremism. Strategies and measures that could be taken to address these challenges and strengthen religious harmony and security in the country are discussed. It is argued that the role of religion in the state is determined by cultural, historical, and legal peculiarities of societal development. It can serve as a basis for forming social communities that provide support and assistance to their members. Religion often serves as a source of moral values and ethical norms influencing the behavior and interaction of people in society, while religious organizations may interact with the state in areas such as charity, education, and healthcare. The impact of religion in the state can be dynamic and subject to change with shifting societal conditions. The role of the religious factor in ensuring national security in Ukraine, especially in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian war, is analyzed. The article offers conclusions and recommendations for further steps in ensuring religious security in Ukraine, particularly in promoting interreligious dialogue and supporting interfaith understanding and cooperation.


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