



local self-government, community, authority, democracy, elections, civil society


The article is dedicated to examining key aspects of local self-government as an essential component of democracy and effective governance at the local level. The essence of the concept of «local self-government», its specificity, and characteristic features are analyzed. Local self-government plays a crucial role in the development of any country, including Ukraine. Specifically, in the context of decentralization, it contributes to more effective governance and decision-making tailored to the specific needs and characteristics of different regions of the state. Local self-government is one of the key components of democracy, as it ensures the participation of citizens in decision-making and their influence on their own living space. Therefore, understanding the essence and characteristics of local self-government is important for the further development of democratic transformations in the modern political system. The article conducts an analysis of political, legal, and sociological approaches to defining local self-government, highlighting the key principles and roles of this institution in the development of communities and the maintenance of democratic standards. Significant attention is given to characteristic features of local self-government such as electability, local autonomy, financial independence, and citizen participation in local self-government processes. Understanding the characteristics of local selfgovernment is crucial for activating civil society, as citizens who have a clear awareness of their rights and responsibilities in the context of local self-government become more active participants in civic processes due to a sense of personal responsibility. This, in turn, supports the development of civil society.


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