


political processes, military-political cooperation, Ukrainian-British relations, military assistance, military diplomacy, financial and economic support


An author analyses basic directions of mutual relations between Ukraine and Great Britain in the period of 2014-2014, evolution of development of relations and basic factors that influenced on forming of these relations and prospect of further development. Remark, problems and calls that until now stand before the Britan and Ukraine relations. Principles and methods that will allow to improve mutual relations in the conditions of Russian aggression against Ukraine and to define the role of Great Britain in the fight of Ukraine against Russian of occupation aggression are offered. Work is sent to the analysis of development and modern state of relations between Ukraine and Great Britain. Forming and transformation of role of Great Britain in political processes in Ukraine, her support in leading industries and role is on the modern stage. Within the framework of the данної scientific article such scientific methods of research as analysis and synthesis, historical method were used. Large attention is spared to system approach, abstractly-logical and dialectical methods of scientific cognition, and also the method of scientific abstraction is used in research for forming of theoretical generalizations, clarification of concept vehicle, formulation of conclusions. Тhe events of 2014, that showed the willingness of official government of Great Britain to render support to the Ukrainian people in his fight against aggression of Russian, became the New stage in a bilateral dialogue. Beginning of encroachment witnessed the consolidated position of royal family, British government and opposition, and more main all to the people of Great Britain in his desire of victory of Ukraine. This desire is traced in all spheres of collaboration with Ukraine. Political philosophy of Great Britan, consists in perception of Russian as the state that tries to worry the world, strengthening the influence and to «fish in troubled water». However, without regard to repair relations, still there are some divergences between two countries, especially in connection with a conflict on east of Ukraine and annexation of Crimea by Russia. However Great Britain continues to support Ukraine and enter for her territorial integrity.


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