European Union, meaning of existence, Polish foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Eastern PartnershipAbstract
The aim of this chapter is to assess Poland’s Eastern policy in the context of EU membership from the perspective of Poland’s raison d’être in its relations with the countries of Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus. The initial assumption of the text is that Poland’s accession to the EU in May 2004 expanded the range of instruments of Polish foreign policy both at the bilateral level, i.e. in contacts between Poland and its eastern neighbours, and at the multilateral level, i.e. within the EU. First, the background of Polish Eastern policy, its goals and objectives, as well as the distinction between the most important interests that form the Polish raison d’être will be presented. Then, the dimensions of the Polish sense of existence in relation to Poland’s eastern neighbours will be analysed, as well as their effectiveness, i.e. the ability to realise the goals of this policy.
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