


social security, martial law, security, national security, hybrid warfare


The article clarifies the essence of the concept of “social security”, its development and approval in the scientific field. The views of scientists on the essence of this concept and the peculiarities of social security at the state and regional levels are summarized. The role of state and local self-government bodies, political and public institutions in the system of ensuring social security under martial law is considered. It has been proven that war has a devastating impact and consequences on all spheres of human activity, including social spheres. The authors came to the conclusion that the problem of ensuring social security in the conditions of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine is extremely important and requires priority attention. Safety of human life and activity is the basis of the state and its institutions. In the conditions of martial law, ensuring the social security of the state and its citizens is a vital element of the activity of all state institutions at all levels – from state to local. In the broad understanding of security, the priority for it is the individual, the person, the concept of social security must be formed, which is understood as the state and possibilities of protection of the social interests of the individual, society and the state as a whole from internal and external threats to national and social security. The views of scientists regarding the main factors that threaten the social security of the population, especially in the conditions of martial law and the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, are given. Among them are migration processes, humanitarian and food crisis, problems in the housing and communal sphere, the need for social and medical services of certain, socially vulnerable sections of the population. The activities of authorities and public institutions should be aimed at ensuring the proper conditions for the safe development of society and the individual, in particular, the creation and consistent implementation of social policy, which ultimately is a component of social security as a national value of the state and nation. The role of authorities and public institutions is a comprehensive and interconnected connection between all subjects of social security relations – from state and central authorities to local self-government bodies. Only in this way can we talk about the probability and possibility of ensuring the processes of implementing the social security policy of citizens. The purpose of the article is to define and analyze the role of authorities and public institutions in the system of organizing social security under martial law.


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