



migration, refugees, temporary protection, internally displaced persons


The article aims to analyze the attitudes towards Ukrainian internally displaced persons in Polish society. It is argued that after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a significant number of Ukrainians migrated to the Republic of Poland in the hope of finding safety. It is noted that in 2022–2023, Poland formed favorable legislation for Ukrainian migrants by granting an additional tax status PESEL UKR. It is argued that despite the government’s positive assistance in supporting Ukrainian refugees, crisis phenomena were manifested in Polish society, which turned into economic and political conflicts. The most recent example was the grain conflict. In the context of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, such conflicts have led to significant economic consequences and violated the national interest. In response to this, the Ukrainian government needs to intensify public diplomacy in Poland in order to offset the negative phenomena and, accordingly, to counter Russian propaganda, which has significantly increased in Polish society.


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