


information society, digital transformation, European Union, policy initiatives, cybersecurity, e-democracy


In this article, the authors analyse the EU’s policy initiatives and programmes aimed at supporting and developing the information society. The emphasis is on the impact of information technologies on political processes and social change, in particular on the digital transformation of society and governance. The introduction discusses the key trends in the information society, including the spread of digital technologies and their impact on democratic processes, civic participation and political institutions. Particular attention is paid to the challenges posed by the spread of propaganda, disinformation and hybrid threats, which are becoming critical to political stability and security. The authors emphasise that the information society in the EU contributes to the digital transformation of all major areas of activity and determines the EU’s competitiveness on the global stage. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and automation of production processes increase productivity and efficiency in various industries. The article analyses a number of important EU policy initiatives, including the European Digital Compass 2030 strategy, which outlines the key areas of digital transformation until 2030, and the Digital Europe programme (2021–2027), which supports the development of the latest technologies and digital skills. In addition, the importance of implementing pan-European standards in the field of cybersecurity and personal data protection is highlighted. An important aspect is the EU’s efforts to overcome digital inequality between member states, as well as the threat of market monopolisation by large technology corporations. The authors also emphasise the importance of e-democracy, in particular the development of platforms for online citizen participation in political processes, which contributes to increased transparency and inclusiveness of governance. In general, the article reveals current political challenges and prospects for the development of the information society in the EU, concluding that digital initiatives promote innovation, increase the EU’s competitiveness and security at the global level.


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