political crisis, institutional mechanisms, crisis management, constitutional reforms, specialized institutions, international organizations, national security, stabilization of political systemsAbstract
The article explores the institutional aspects of political crisis management in the context of modern global challenges. Political crises are complex phenomena that arise at various stages of a state’s development and are accompanied by significant social, economic, and even cultural upheavals. These crises can not only undermine the stability of the internal political system but also threaten the international status and security of the state, making their resolution one of the most critical tasks of modern crisis management. The article focuses on the key institutional mechanisms employed to manage political crises in different countries worldwide. The research covers a wide range of approaches, including constitutional reforms, the formation of specialized crisis bodies, the involvement of international organizations, and the adaptation of legal norms to crisis conditions. Special attention is given to the analysis of the role of specialized institutions in stabilizing political systems, as their activities aim to minimize the negative impacts of crises and prevent their escalation. The analysis of global experience shows that the effectiveness of institutional mechanisms largely depends on the state’s ability to adapt to changing conditions and the specific characteristics of each political crisis. Comparing different models of crisis management allows the identification of key success factors, such as institutional flexibility, the speed of response to threats, public involvement in the decision-making process, and international cooperation. The article also offers specific recommendations for improving the institutional framework for managing political crises, particularly in the context of enhancing the effectiveness of crisis management in the face of contemporary challenges. Studying global experience enables the development of more effective crisis management strategies that can be adapted to the needs and characteristics of individual states.
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