collaborationism, national security, sovereignty, territorial integrityAbstract
The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the manifestations of collaborationist activity in the modern context, in particular, its impact on national security. Various forms of collaborationism are considered, in particular: political, which includes cooperation with occupation regimes in the sphere of management and politics; administrative, which involves interaction with the occupation administration at the level of state administration and local self-government; military, which consists in supporting or participating in the military structures of the aggressor; economic, which covers cooperation in the economic sphere, in particular in trade and financial relations with the aggressor; cultural, which includes promoting the cultural ideas of hostile regimes; and domestic, manifested in support or friendly relations with the occupants in everyday life. It was established that the activities of the collaborators undermine sovereignty, territorial integrity, social and psychological stability and the international legal system. It was found that collaborationism poses serious threats to national security, violating state sovereignty, undermining social and psychological peace of society and violating international norms and human rights. The paper provides specific examples of collaborative activities that illustrate various forms and consequences of these activities for national security. It has been established that collaborationism can contribute to the implementation of aggressive plans of external forces, threaten the social and psychological well-being of citizens and violate fundamental rights and freedoms. It was determined that collaborationism represents a serious threat to national security and state sovereignty, especially due to its ability to undermine the foundations of state integrity and territorial integrity. The results of the study can be useful for government bodies, human rights organizations and scientific institutions in the formation of effective strategies for the protection of national security and ensuring state sovereignty. Further research can focus on the analysis of new forms of collaborationism and the development of integrated approaches to their prevention, which is critical for maintaining the stability and security of the state.
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