political system, political institution, European Union, European Parliament, election process, democracy, democratizationAbstract
The components of the retrospective discourse on the systemic dimension of the European Union’s policy are, on the one hand, the processes that influence the development of the EU political system, and, on the other hand, the path of evolution of the political systems of the EU member states, united by modern geography as well as by common borders of different states and interstate unions in the past. There is noted that the historical stages of development of the political systems of the EU countries are: the Middle Ages and the feudal system with decentralized political systems and limited rights of the population; absolutism and centralization of power with the dominance of centralized monarchies; the beginning of democratic changes with the gradual institutional limitation of monarchical power and the emergence of the ideas of the Enlightenment; revolutions and the formation of parliamentary systems with the fall of absolute monarchies, the growing role of elected bodies and the first constitutions; development of nation-states and democracy with the introduction of universal suffrage; totalitarian regimes and their fall – a period that covered two world wars, the emergence and subsequent fall of totalitarian regimes, and the restoration of democratic systems; European integration and the spread of democracy; EU enlargement and the consolidation of democratic principles; the stage of modern challenges of the 21st century. The author emphasizes the impact of the creation of the European Union on the political systems of its member states, in particular, on strengthening democracy and the rule of law, harmonization of legislation, enhancing the role of parliaments and civil society, political integration and common policies, strengthening the independence of the judiciary, spreading European values, etc. The author argues that the European Parliament is the most stable component of the EU political system. Despite the layering of crises and socio-economic challenges during each electoral period, the institution continues to perform its functions, scaling up its influence on important areas of EU policy and the lives of its citizens. The article emphasizes the need to study the possibilities of borrowing the experience of effective parliamentary activity for Ukraine.
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