OCU, UOC, church, state, unity, Orthodoxy, Tomos, autocephaly, ecumenical movement, interfaith relations, religious securityAbstract
Spiritual independence is a key feature of the independence of the modern Ukrainian state, whose sovereignty and territorial integrity are under mortal threat in the context of Russia’s armed aggression. Strengthening Orthodoxy in Ukraine and promoting open dialogue between churches are priorities of the state policy in the field of interfaith relations, the study of which is relevant and of great scientific and practical importance. The purpose of the article is to analyze the formation and development of the main Orthodox churches of Ukraine, the problems and prospects of unification processes in Ukrainian Orthodoxy. The author emphasizes the important role of the church in the life of society and the country, and the continuity of the ecumenical movement in Ukrainian history. The role and participation of state institutions in the unification of Orthodox churches in Ukraine is revealed. The author identifies and characterizes the possible main steps by which the split among the Orthodox can be overcome. It is shown that the activities of the OCU and the UOC, their impact on society, and their policies depend on the center from which the respective organization is guided. The author makes predictions about what each party needs to do to build a local church in Ukraine and how long this process may take. The creation of a local church means creating a unified worldview, having a Ukrainian spirit and a patriotic position to work for the idea. The transition to the OCU should not be forced or overnight – different approaches are needed for the peaceful coexistence of churches, and the state has a significant role to play in this process. To create a single church in Ukraine, it is important that the state supports this process and ensures religious security and spiritual independence. Thus, the issue of church unification and the creation of a single local church remains complex and requires not only support from society and the state, but also decisive action from the church leadership.
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Православна церква України: шлях крізь віки. URL: https://www. (дата звернення 22.08.2024).
Всеукраїнська Рада Церков і релігійних організацій. URL: https://vrciro. (дата звернення 22.08.2024).
Патріарх Варфоломій у Києві. Чому це важливо для України і як протидіє РПЦ. URL: (дата звернення 22.08.2024).
Об’єднавчий собор Української церкви: як все відбувалося. URL: https:// (дата звернення 22.08.2024).
Рада ухвалила закон про заборону релігійних організацій, пов’язаних із РФ. URL: (дата звернення 22.08.2024).