national security, military security, Ukrainian emigration, military intelligence, militarypolitical opinion, combat methods, terminologyAbstract
The article examines the problems of national and military security, represented in the writings of Ukrainian emigration figures of the middle of 20th Century. The author proves that the problem of military intelligence, its purpose, tasks and typology in the military-political heritage of political actors of the Ukrainian emigration of the specified era has not been studied so far. That is why the clarification of this problem will deepen the modern understanding of the military and political thought of the Ukrainian people of the 20th century, will bring back from undeserved oblivion the theorists of national security and the military doctrine of Ukraine. The importance of the training of former Ukrainian soldiers, participants in the liberation struggles of the Ukrainians and the IIWW is substantiated. Peculiarities of interpretation of the concept and terminology of intelligence activity, in particular military intelligence, are studied. It is claimed that the vision of military intelligence by the authors of the Ukrainian emigration of the middle of the 20th Сentury quite pragmatic from the point of view of the former participants in the battles, in particular the ground forces, partly – the Air Force, as well as the Air Defense. It was established that for the implementation of military intelligence tasks, tactical, operational and strategic zones were defined, and accordingly – types of intelligence (strategic, operational, tactical and combat). The author also emphasizes the place and role of the commander of the intelligence unit during the execution of combat missions, in particular in the rear of the enemy. It has been proven that the materials of the Ukrainian emigration of the middle of the 20th century demonstrated, on the one hand, the level of concern for the problems of the military and security sectors, and on the other hand, the desire to be an information platform for propaganda among the Ukrainian diaspora, mainly in the countries of Western Europe and the USA, the newest knowledge about military affairs at that time. The factors that made it difficult to understand the essence and tasks of military intelligence were the level of knowledge and general military training of the authors, subjectivism in the assessment of this or that type of military art, the specifics of the interpretation of current issues by representatives of various branches of the military. It was found that the understanding of military intelligence in the posts of representatives of the combatant environment, members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists by Stephan Bandera (OUN-Bandera) fully correspond to the ideas of the time, first of all, about intelligence on the battlefield, and not intelligence as a special institution of the secret services. The author concludes that considering the historical and political experience of previous generations of Ukrainian theoreticians and practitioners of military intelligence in this sense is extremely necessary and useful in view of the implementation of the main types of military intelligence in modern military combat.
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