Ukraine, Poland, diplomacy, politics, science, education, culture, interethnic communication, information space, historical policyAbstract
The article reconstructs the peculiarities of modern Ukrainian-Polish relations, in particular through the prism of scientific, cultural and educational activities of Ukrainian and Polish political, diplomatic, scientific, educational, cultural and artistic elites. The work of the Ukrainian diplomatic corps in the Republic of Poland in establishing the Ukrainian-Polish dialogue in the fields of socio-humanities, historical policy and cultural memory is updated. The author analyses the preconditions, course, and results of such unifying initiatives as the scientific seminars “Ukraine – Poland: Difficult Issues” (1997–2008), Ukrainian-Polish meetings in Yaremche (2007–2023), the documentary series “Poland and Ukraine in the Thirties and Forties of the Twentieth Century” etc. The basis of the scientific publication is a research interview with the Rector of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Doctor of Political Science, Professor Ihor Yevhenovych Tsependa, conducted on 31 October 2023 in Ivano-Frankivsk within the framework of the “Research in Ukraine” Scholarship Programme of the Juliusz Meroszewski Centre for Dialogue. The experience of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in implementing intergovernmental partnership projects aimed at building professional human resources in the public and civil sectors and the diplomatic service is particularly valuable for strategic management in education and science. It is also important to create a tolerant environment in the interethnic sphere, Ukrainian and Polish public spaces. Among the significant means of this activity are the organization of the International Centre for Meetings of Students of Ukraine and Poland and the International Scientific Centre “Observatory” on Mount Pip Ivan together with the University of Warsaw.
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