mass media, information space, society, war, media space, public opinion, trust.Abstract
The assessment of the work of the media has been carried out. It has been established that the work of the media should be based on the presentation of verified and objective data. The article analyses the peculiarities of the presentation of information by the media of Ukraine and the Russian Federation, showing the differences in the way the news is conveyed to the citizens and the shift in the emphasis of the truth in the media coverage. The example of the Russian-Ukrainian war has been used to illustrate the distortion of news. Ukraine, as the country that defends its citizens and territories, shows objectivity in the news coverage (despite the destruction of schools, hospitals, and residential buildings). In contrast, the propaganda methods of the aggressor country demonstrate cynicism in this regard, and the destruction of civilian infrastructure is presented as the destruction of military facilities of Ukraine and our country’s allies. As a part of the information warfare, the international community also wishes to join the support of Ukraine, while adhering to the rules of providing verified information. However, we can sometimes observe distortion of information by some foreign journalists and the spread of pro-Russian narratives. Despite the duration of the Russian-Ukrainian war, material flows from Russia to the EU countries are still ongoing, and the worst part is that they are welcome, despite a number of Russian crimes against humanity committed on Ukrainian soil. It has been found out that the level of trust in the media is decreasing over time,and as practice shows the public in the twenty-first century is not ready for protracted conflicts, and the state together with the media can not stabilise the situation without violating democratic norms. It is established that it is necessary at this stage to focus on social unity, resilience, solidarity and faith in a victorious future.
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