parliamentary elections, Western Ukraine, Poland, Ukrainian national movement, political parties.Abstract
The article offers a detailed comparative analysis of the parliamentary elections of 1928 and 1930 in Western Ukraine, which at that time was under the control of Poland. These elections became important stages in the development of the Ukrainian national movement, which reflected the complex political, social and economic situation in the region. The 1928 elections were held in conditions of relative political freedom, which allowed Ukrainian parties, especially the Ukrainian National Democratic Union (UNDO), to achieve considerable success and secure a significant number of seats in the Polish parliament. However, the political context had changed significantly by the 1930 election. These elections took place against the background of significant political repression by the Polish authorities, which aimed to suppress the Ukrainian national movement and weaken the positions of Ukrainian parties. The pacification campaign that preceded the 1930 elections was aimed at intimidating the Ukrainian population, destroying political activity, and limiting the influence of Ukrainian political organizations. The article examines the activities of the main Ukrainian political forces of that time, such as UNDO, and their reaction to changes in the political situation. The authors analyze how different political parties adapted their strategies to new conditions, in particular by seeking compromises with the Polish authorities or, on the contrary, by radicalizing their positions. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the impact of these elections on the further development of the Ukrainian national movement, as well as on the political situation in Western Ukraine in the context of international relations. The results of the study demonstrate that the parliamentary elections of 1928 and 1930 not only reflected differences in the political approaches of Ukrainian parties, but also indicated the need to find new forms of struggle for the rights of Ukrainians in Poland, which ultimately influenced the further history of the region and the Ukrainian national movement.
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