propaganda, information operations, war, hybrid warfare, martial lawAbstract
In today`s geopolitical landscape, signs of military conflicts and crises are increasing, which makes the issue of the impact of information warfare on society and international relations relevant. Under martial law, propaganda and information operations become extremely important tools in the conduct of hostilities. Analyzing the comparative aspects of these techniques will allow us to better understand their role in shaping the opinions and views of citizens, and their impact on international politics and state security. The study of this issue is important for developing strategies to counter manipulation and disinformation, contributing to the resilience and effectiveness of society in situations of conflict. The conditions of a full-scale war initiated by the Russian Federation against Ukraine include not only hostilities, but also active use of propaganda and information operations to manipulate the world community and create its own image of the conflict. The Russian Federation has improved its information strategy by using various media, social networks, Internet resources and influential agents to spread disinformation, fakes and distorted information. This helps to create a false information space about the conflict, justify its own aggression, discredit the Ukrainian government and support russian interests. Information operations of the Russian Federation are aimed at influencing public opinion and international partners to reduce support for Ukraine in the world and create the impression that Ukraine's situation is incorrect. In such a situation, it is important to carefully analyze information and perceive the events objectively. It is extremely relevant and important to study propaganda and information operations techniques under martial law. The war today includes not only physical combat, but also information warfare, which is dominated by strategies of manipulation, disinformation, and psychological influence. The study of propaganda and information operations allows us to understand how they are used to shape public opinion, destabilize the enemy, and preserve our own legitimacy. It also contributes to the development of effective strategies for counterpropaganda and protection of the information space. It is important to analyze and reveal the methods and techniques used to spread fake news and other types of disinformation. The study of these techniques provides an opportunity to develop systems for preventing and responding to information threats, enhances information awareness, and contributes to maintaining stability and security in wartime conditions. The study aims to determine specific aspects of the use of propaganda and information operations tools in the context of military conflicts, and their impact on society, politics and security. Propaganda and information operations techniques under martial law have a significant impact on society and international politics. They are used to manipulate and shape public opinion, and can undermine the stability of the states. Understanding these processes is becoming key to ensuring national and international security.
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