Requirements for execution
The volume of the publication is at least 10 pages.
Margins: lower, upper, left, right - 2 cm.
Editor: МS Word.
Font: Times New Roman, kegel (size) 14, interval - 1.5.
The pages of the article are not numbered, the text is typed without hyphens, the font is normal, the paragraph indent is 1.25 cm, the illustrative material should be presented in italics in the text. Quotations and definitions of terms are enclosed in quotation marks, for example (“Narrative is…”). Hyphens (-) and dashes (–) are clearly differentiated.
Illustrations (diagrams, graphs, charts, etc.) are numbered within the article and accompanied by captions. For example: Fig. 1. Placement of deictic oppositions in three-dimensional space.
Digital material can be presented in tables, which are also numbered within the article and accompanied by the title above the table in the center.
(!) The use of the ChatGPT language statistical model and other AI tools does not meet the criteria of authorship, as they are not responsible for the submitted work and are not able to approve the final version for publication.
Name and surname of the author(s), ORCID ID
Title of the article
Abstract and keywords in Ukrainian
The text of the article
List of used literature
Name and surname of the author(s), title of the article, abstract and keywords in English
Information about the author(s) - scientific degree, academic title, place of work
The text of the article includes the following necessary elements (the latter from a separate line, with paragraph indentation):
- Introduction (the relevance of the research is revealed; formulation of the problem and analysis of previous studies and publications; the goal and task are formulated).
- Research material and methods (the procedure of theoretical-methodological and/or experimental research is highlighted).
- Results and discussion (the basic material is presented in such a way that the essence of theoretical and/or empirical research is clear; discussions on the highlighted issues).
- Conclusions (results are summarized, prospects for further research are foreseen).
References to sources in the text are given in square brackets [1, c. 12–13]. A reference to several sources is given simultaneously through a semicolon [1, c. 12–13; 3, p. 34; 5], pages are indicated if necessary.
Bibliography: minimum 10 items in a source language (the bibliographic list involves only sources which are mentioned in the article and is executed taking into account the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General principles and rules of composition”).
The list of used sources should include several new sources (in the last 3 years) and contain at least one scientific paper published in a journal included in the scientometric databases Scopus or Web of Science.
Each source from the bibliography should have at least one reference in the text of the article.
At the end of the article, there is a list of used sources in English, designed in accordance with the international standard of bibliographic description APA (American Psychological Association). The names of Ukrainian-language sources are given in transliteration, and the translation is given in square brackets.