


security, regulatory act, Law, Concept, Strategy, Regulations


The relevance of the study is due to the need to study the normative and legal regulation of security policy in Ukraine as a complex phenomenon complicated by a wide array of normative and legal documents. The basis of the work was the system of normative legal acts, which consists of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine «On National Security of Ukraine», the National Security Strategy of Ukraine «Human Security – the Security of the Country», the Law of Ukraine «On the Basics of Internal and Foreign Policy», the Concept of the Nationwide Program «Health – 2020: the Ukrainian dimension», the Concept of the development of the public health system, the Regulation on the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Decree of the President of Ukraine «On the Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine for the period until 2030», the Law of Ukraine «On State Support of Agriculture of Ukraine», Regulations on the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine «On State Forecasting and Development of Economic and Social Development Programs of Ukraine», Regulations on the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine «On Environmental Protection». Methods of analysis, synthesis, formal-logical and system-structural methods were used in the work. The work stated that in the Constitution of Ukraine it is possible to trace an approach where the interests of national security act as a kind of limiter of such human rights and freedoms as the right to freedom of speech and thought, to the free expression of one’s beliefs and views, the right to freedom of association in public organizations and political parties, the right to peaceful assembly (Articles 34, 36, 39 of the Constitution of Ukraine). The conducted research allows us to reach two important conclusions: 1) at the level of individual regulatory documents, the concepts of security are clarified. For example, the contents of the Regulation on the Ministry of Health of Ukraine mention the concepts of «food safety», «blood safety», «biological safety», «radiation safety»; 2) the function of implementing the security policy in one or another field is entrusted to the relevant central bodies of the executive power, such as the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.


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