civil society, European experience, full-scale war in Ukraine, stateAbstract
The article explores the need for transformation of Ukrainian civil society. In the context of the current military situation in Ukraine, civil society should be considered not only as a society of free person, but also as a society built on legitimate (fair) relations. After all, the recognition of the relationship between law and justice is part of the European legal tradition. One of the key elements of civil society is independent, selfgoverning institutions that interact with state institutions and perform an important legitimizing function both within society and in the process of interaction with state institutions. Civil society organizations guarantee the inviolability of individual rights of citizens, provide citizens with self-confidence and support citizens and state authorities in confronting the enemy. Civil society organizations operate on the principles of self-government within the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. Purpose. The work is aimed at analyzing the European experience of civil society development. Explore the state and prospects of civil society development in Ukraine. Methods. To achieve this goal, the article used general scientific and specific research methods. To identify the scientific and theoretical foundations of civil society, methods of analysis and synthesis, theoretical generalization, historical, scientific and analytical, systematization and classification were used. To provide a quantitative assessment of the factors of civil society formation, the following methods of linear correlation analysis were used. Results of the study. The issue of civil society in Ukraine is one of the most discussed and constantly updated topics not only in the political discourse and in the opinions of professional scientists, theorists and ideologists of various political views, but also among many ordinary citizens. The root of Ukraine’s failures lies in the government’s inability to communicate and cooperate with civil society. Therefore, the most important task is to create conditions for the development of civil society. People who are not indifferent to what is happening around should have every opportunity to realize their noble aspirations.
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