



political participation, democracy, elections, civic associations, government, society


The article provides an analysis of the concept of political participation and its key functions. It emphasizes that active political participation of citizens is a crucial element of a democratic regime. With the development of information technologies and globalization, the variety of forms and ways of political participation is growing. The term «political participation» is defined in different ways, including participation in elections, involvement in civic associations, etc. The article explores various approaches and interpretations of political participation, including its role in social development and democratization. The authors define political participation as the direct or indirect influence of private citizens on the formation and activities of the government, highlighting that the degree of participation depends on social factors. The evolution of views on political participation is discussed, noting the shift from a limited understanding of participation as voting in elections to a broader study of citizens’ political behavior. The concept of «conventional» and «unconventional» participation is examined, and different approaches to understanding autonomous and mobilized political participation are highlighted, as well as the impact of social systems on its character. The article underscores the importance of political participation in a democratic society and identifies its key functions. It mentions various forms of activity, such as participation in electoral processes, public discussions, and petitions. Particularly, attention is focused on the role of political participation in promoting active citizenship, legitimizing authority, shaping public opinion, and citizen socialization. In the context of Ukraine, the article points out the challenges in forming a tradition of consultations and interaction between the government and citizens. It emphasizes limitations, including citizen passivity, low levels of awareness, and the lack of incentives for government representatives to effectively engage with the public. The importance of involving civic organizations in addressing socio-political issues in Ukraine is highlighted.


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