


Plato, oligarchy, oligarchic principle, oligarchic potential, soul, self


The article indicates that the thirst for corrupt enrichment is an existential threat. An extroverted approach dominates the analysis (elitism, transitology, patronalism) of the establishment of the oligarchy in Ukraine. The Plato’s concept in C. G. Jung’s Christian interpretative symbolism enables the analysis of the dynamics of introverted structural transformation of the oligarchic psyche. It is emphasized that Plato’s oligarchic principle of man is the product of the loss of the holistic integrity of consciousness, the hierarchical subordination of its principles with a phased decrease in the influence of the Divine Nature of mind on peripheral egoistic desires and will. Disengagement from the Good of the One gives rise to the oligarchic potential in man as their psychological oligarchic resource and becomes a source of deformations of the worldview attitude to the holistic nature of the integral being, exacerbates psycho-mental and ethical distortions in the individual psyche at the level of groups and society in the process of an institutional manifestation of potential. The procedural logic of emergence, transformation (oligarchic principle – potential – resource – manifestation, institutionalisation), and movement of potential in the political domain is determined by its size. The oligarchic potential (Ро) is absent (Ро = 0) among sages (C.G. Jung’s self-realised archetype of ‘self’, ‘Christ in us’ among Christians); is emerging (Ро > 0) as subordinate among Timocrats (emergence of an oligarchic ‘shadow’ under control of the ego of the aspiring); dominates with a peak (Ро = mах) among the oligarchy (the archetype of the oligarchic ‘persona’ dominates the collective consciousness); sharply decreases (Ро→0, ~0), but does not vanish (Ро ≠ 0, Ро > 0), dispersed in its variable group modifications (manipulatively hidden by populist politicians; serving as a valuable orientation of businessmen devoid of power ambitions; indoctrinated by populists into the masses’ psyche as paternalistic expectations) in democracy (oligarchic ‘shadow’ under control of the democratic ego) with a possibility of situational fluctuating accumulation; is centered within the tyrant (Ро/tyrant = mах), the “savior” (the tyrant’s persona in his mental inflation) of the masses from the oligarchs; vanishes (Ро = 0) among the God-mature (rebirth of the self that disinfects the oligarchic shadow, the ego) with their experience at the end of the cycle.


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