security, information security, cognitive security, threat, danger, national security.Abstract
The article identifies threats to the cognitive security of the state and society based on existing doctrinal and legal documents. It defines the sources, prerequisites, and patterns of occurrence and manifestation of these threats. The issues related to the classification of threats to the cognitive security of the state are analyzed. Internal factors that may exacerbate the situation in Ukraine are characterized. Existing approaches in the scientific literature to the classification of threats are summarized. The main classification features are highlighted, and a multi-criteria classification of threats to the cognitive security of the state based on hierarchical analysis is developed. The key and potential threats at all levels of Ukraine’s national security are also identified. A detailed analysis of threats is carried out using various approaches and classification criteria. The analysis indicates the lack of a unified approach to defining and understanding cognitive security threats. Sometimes they are equated with national security threats or threats in the information sphere, as well as with cyber threats. In scientific sources, these concepts are sometimes equated or, conversely, classified according to different criteria. The author of the article considers threats to Ukraine’s cognitive security as key factors leading to negative phenomena that threaten national interests in the political sphere and the organization of the national security space. These threats can be global or local and may be related to risks in other areas affecting the national security space and international security. To counter real and potential threats to cognitive security, the state’s strategic task is to create an effective mechanism for ensuring cognitive security. This includes systematic activities, a range of measures, and the functioning of state institutions, analytical centers, and public organizations.
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