


political regime, human rights, democracy, authoritarianism


The article provides a comparative analysis of democratic and authoritarian political regimes, their characteristic features, features and mechanisms of formation in modern states. In addition, the author studies the problems and challenges associated with digitalization, which can be used by autocrats as a tool to strengthen authoritarian regimes and control society. The study shows that certain characteristics inherent in a democratic regime are undermined and fraudulently used to create the illusion of the value of citizens’ opinions. This manipulation of public sentiment often occurs within countries led by authoritarian regimes. In addition, this study examines the specific features and underpinnings of the aforementioned political regimes, shedding light on the mechanisms through which power is maintained within each system. At the current stage in world politics, we can observe the intensification of the competitive struggle between democracy and dictatorship, between the protection of human rights and the strict restriction of these rights, between freedom and comprehensive control, between development and stagnation. The purpose of this study is a comparative analysis of authoritarian and democratic types of political regime, their formation, characteristic features and peculiarities of functioning in modern political systems. A significant number of states consider the democratic regime to be the most optimal model of governance, thanks to the principles of individual freedom, observance of the rule of law, mechanisms of separation of powers and the provision of human rights. The main characteristics of a democratic regime are an emphasis on the electability and changeability of government representatives, their accountability to the people, the development of civil society, freedom of speech, an independent court, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, private property and equal opportunities for everyone. In contrast to a democratic one, an authoritarian regime is based on rigid centralized power, restrictions on civil liberties, repression and population control. Such a regime prioritizes political stability and effective governance, often at the cost of humanistic principles and human rights. Authoritarian states often control the media, remove opposition leaders, and use censorship as a tool to strengthen their regime. Тhe author concludes that democracy, in contrast to authoritarianism. includes several of the most important characteristics. First, democracy serves as a safeguard against the rule of brutal autocrats and the usurpation of power. Second, countries with democratic regimes tend to exhibit higher levels of welfare compared to other regimes. Thirdly, democracy has the property of promoting comprehensive human development. In addition, democracy gives people the opportunity to protect themselves and their interests by guaranteeing their basic rights and providing a wider range of personal freedoms compared to alternative forms of government.


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