


French literature, artistic detail, thing, gender, semantics, representation, Françoise Sagan


The article clarifies the peculiarities of the gender representation of the material world as an artistic detail of the text. The research uses a gender-oriented approach to the representation of cultural constructs, embodied in the picture of the world, the point of view of the author and the hero, the system of characters, the nature of the author’s consciousness, the object-subject system. The gender approach to the study of literature today is a form of in-depth reading and is a higher, more measured tool, in such a way that it corrects the traditional view of beautiful writing and articulates the problem of female authorship and provokes “re-reading” of classical texts. The article examines the early work of Françoise Sagan in the context of postmodern interpretations of the stylistic manner of women’s writing, artistic thinking, women’s perspective on life, women’s experience through the representation of micro-images of the material world. The material of the study is the novel “Bonjour tristesse” by Françoise Sagan. The peculiarity of Sagan’s female writing is determined by the conscious female authorship, the presentation of the image of a woman as a protagonist, and the gendermarked specificity of the narrative. The analysis of the originality of women’s creativity is carried out taking into account the positions of existentialism, theoretical concepts of feminist criticism. The work uses the main methodological provisions of structural semiotics, the concept of text, cultural dialogism, literary studies of things in texts. As a result of the research, it was found that the artistic detail, due to its special content, symbolics, compositional and characterological function, becomes an important component of the poetic organization of the text. Through the detail, the way of the artist’s artistic thinking is revealed to a large extent, his ability to express the author’s idea of the work through the objects of the material world. The gender representation of an artistic detail emphasizes the individuality of the author’s style of Françoise Sagan, the gender-psychological marking of elements of poetics, which model in the space of the artistic narrative a specifically female relationship to reality, which ensures the reading of the work as a female text.


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