fitness terminology, terminological field, term, nucleus, peripheryAbstract
This article is focused on exploring different ways of classifying terminology within the terminological field of fitness. The research is motivated by the rapid growth and evolution of the fitness industry, and the lack of comprehensive studies regarding the standardization and classification of its terminologies. The paper provides an overview of the scientific literature that has investigated the organization and classification of terminologies in linguistics, and discusses various interpretations and definitions of the concept of “terminological field”. The objective of this article is to investigate the terminological fields of fitness, including their distinct characteristics, and their significance for the standardization and harmonization of fitness terminology. The research identifies three main terminological fields within fitness, namely sport, medicine, and nutrition, which are further subdivided into nine smaller micro fields. These include Fitness and Exercise Physiology, Sports and Recreational Activities, Exercise (Stretchers and Strengtheners), Training Methods and Equipment, Body Structures and Movements, Disorders and Diseases, Exercise-related Injuries and Treatments, Diets and Dietary Regimes, and Drinks, Food and Supplements Ingredients. Each terminological field and micro field within fitness terminology has a unique hierarchical structure and a specific set of terms and concepts that contribute to the development and understanding of fitness knowledge and practices. Within each micro field we have defined nucleus terms that denote the main notions of the micro field as well as close and remote periphery. However, organizing and classifying fitness terminology into these terminological fields poses several challenges due to the constantly evolving nature of fitness practices, the emergence of new trends and technologies, and regional differences in fitness language. Nevertheless, this approach also offers significant opportunities for promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, enhancing scientific research, and improving communication and understanding within the fitness industry.
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