vocabulary, terminology, semantic motivation, borrowing, grammatical meaning, syntactic models, names of future professionsAbstract
In the article, the author analyses the names of future professions in the modern Ukrainian language (160 units) and considers them as a layer of vocabulary that can potentially be included in Ukraine's official business terminology system. It has been emphasised: that the thematic group has a semantic community, but a heterogeneous composition in terms of origin and syntactic structures. It has been clarified: at the semantic level, there are mandatory semes that indicate the type of human activity. These terms may be present in the current classification of professions (designer, expert, engineer) or absent from it (regulator, creator, urbanist); the latter are novelties, the terminology of which has the character of reinterpretation of meanings that are not recorded in dictionaries. Possible invariant semes (management, production), emphasise the industry, the field of profession or auxiliary semes that specify the meaning of the reference word in relation to the specifics of the profession. The group includes borrowings from Western European languages, and productively added English American vocabulary. It has been accentuated: this foreign language vocabulary is mainly fixed by dictionaries and the national classifier of professions, however, in the names of professions of the future, they are used to name types of work oriented to the newest spheres of human activity. According to the grammatical meaning, simple names and keywords of phrases are common masculine nouns, and feminitives are irregular formations. One word or a simple or complex word combination is used for the names of future professions. The syntactic models of word combinations are described, namely: simple – substantive word combinations with a subordinating conjunction of agreement or case agreement (schemes A+S, S+S1). Complex word combinations names are formed from three or more full words. Three words are built according to the schemes: S+(A+S1), S+(S1+S2), A1+(A2+S). Multi-words contain from four to seven words, most of them contain four (schemes S+(A+S1)+S2, S+(A1+(A2+S1), (S+S1)+(A+S2)). In multi-word phrases the main word names the profession of the future, dependent words (nouns, adjectives) specify the sphere of human activity (schemes (A+S)+(S1+S2+S3), S+(A1+(A2+S1)+(S2+S3+ S4) etc.). In general, the novelties correspond to the system of the Ukrainian language, the elements of the group demonstrate a tendency to complicate semantic and syntactic structures. The author concludes that the actual replenishment of the Ukrainian language with these terms depends on whether these professions will become relevant to Ukraine in the coming decades.
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