


speech act of compliment, translation, transformations, linguistic and pragmatic aspects, stylistic, lexical and syntactic means


Basic ways of translation the compliment in English childrenʼs literature have been defined, means of creating and translation compliment at both the lexical and syntactic levels of language in literature have been also emphasized. The positive evaluative vocabulary related to compliments is represented by nouns, adverbs, verbs, and adverbs, with adjectives being predominance and holding a distinctive role among the linguistic means used to express compliments. The investigation of the ways of conveying the positive evaluative vocabulary reveals that translators primarily translation at the level of equivalents and variant correspondences, modulation, concretization and contextual substitutions, followed by a significantly lower frequency of addition, omission, descriptive translation, and antonymous translation. The selection of an appropriate method for rendering depends on the type of compliment. Regarding compliment frequency іn childrenʼs literature, direct (explicit) compliments appear far more often than and indirect (implicit) compliments. Syntactic transformations are introduce by syntactic assimilation, transposition, replacement, descriptive translation, partitioning, integration. It is proved that in the process to conveying of the linguo-pragmatic aspect of compliments of the original language into the language of translation, translators mostly focus on the use of various types of translation transformations (lexical grammatical, grammatical and lexical transformations). The translation of compliments in English children’s literature can be complicated. The intention of complex reproduction lexical and syntactic levels of language and pragmatic means functioning in compliments is essential for preserve the intended meaning, and cultural relevance of the compliment in the target language, ensuring that the translated utterance resonates with the children.


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