



label, political label, precedent (precedent-related) phenomenon, precedent name, political discourse


The article focuses on the problem of political labels functioning in political discourse and the question of belonging such units to precedent phenomena. Theoretical bases of research of these units and precedent phenomena at all are considered. Drawing on scientific Ukrainian and Foreign articles about political labels, the study is discovered essential differences in contentgenetic roots of such lexical cognitive units from Ukrainian and Euro-Atlantic speaking space. The author generalizes the trends in the active use of political labels both in spoken and written Ukrainian political speech. Such activity is caused by powerful emotional evaluative load and compact form of political labels. At the same time, political discourse productivity should not be ignored: it produced and is still producing the units of a similar type. The possibility of including political labels in circle of precedent names of lingual cognitive political base seems appropriate despite certain differences of these units. This paper represents the results of political labels deep analysis in modern Ukrainian-speaking political discourse. The author pays attention to genetic, contain, emotional and stylistic, evaluative and formal features. The study examines tendency of transforming political labels meaningful, expressive component during a certain political period; their gravity to aggressive, invective nomination. The article contains some examples of interaction between consonant precedent units from different time of origin and the merging of their meanings as a result of further functioning in political discourse. Based on the results of such analysis, conclusions are drawn about certain trends of political labels creation in Ukrainian-speaking political space. Such tendencies relate to the derived basis and coded meaning. They are especially noticeable in the process of political labels creation from similar (by nature) derivative objects of connotation (political parties, political personalities, the groups of their supporters).


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