


translation, domestication, foreignization, simplification, reduction, truncation


The article deals with processes of domestication and foreignization that arise at the intersection of transmission and preservation in the text of translation of non-equivalent lexical units. The paper takes into consideration the classical understanding of the home-encounter strategies according to which the language of translation and «the author approaches the reader» play a predominant role. Contrary to the fact that the foreignization allows to preserve the originality of the original work. The results of the study are presented on the basis of a comparative analysis of the original novel and its French translation. The material of the study is Sofia Yablonska’s novel «The Book about the Father: from my childhood», and its French translation by Marta Kalytovska «Mon enfance en Ukraine: souvenirs sur mon père». The translation is adapted for the French-speaking audience, and also comprehensively preserves the problems of the original, preserving existential themes and deep reflections on the heredity of ideas. Although the communicative effect is largely preserved, translation in some places gives a more solid tone than the reflexive nature of the original, which may slightly change the reader’s sense. The comparative analysis shows that the most difficult for the translator were the transmission and preservation of the semantic load in the reflection of the everyday life of Ukrainians, rituals and traditions, which in the original are fixed on the specially marked vocabulary, emotional shades, symbolism of the state of things and events. In most cases, the lexemes with cultural and specific meaning in translation are adapted or replaced, which makes them more accessible to the French-speaking reader, but sometimes this causes the loss of deep meaning. Stylistically, the translation retains the key elements of the author’s manner, but sometimes it simplifies certain images and designs. Consequently, the translator preserved the context and the content of the historical realities, adapting them to the norms of the French language. Nevertheless, the processes of domestication prevail over the methods of foreignization. The productive means of domestication and foreignization include transliteration, interpretation, adaptation of equivalents, simplification of the content of the lexical unit, partial or absolute truncation, as well as the reduction of lexical units.


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