worldview, model of the world, image of the world, anthropocentrism, cultural codeAbstract
In modern scientific research, the study of worldview is gaining more and more relevance. Scientists emphasize different aspects of this phenomenon, therefore the system of human knowledge and ideas about objective reality receives different names: ‘worldview’, ‘model of the world’, ‘image of the world’. Such separation of terms causes different interpretation of the worldview. The essence of the worldview is always connected with the context of sociocultural content. The attention of modern researchers is focused on cultural phenomena that are the result of human activity and understanding of what is happening in the world. Therefore, in scientific intelligence, the emphasis is mostly on subject-object interaction. The search for ways to identify a person in the space of modern culture continues. Considering this, the position of the researcher as a subject of knowledge and the field of science itself seems important, because the approach to the concept of ‘worldview’ depends on it. The variety of interpretations of the picture of the world should be considered taking into account such factors as the instability of cultural phenomena, multivariate development, the influence of cultural subjects on macro-social processes that affect the spheres of human life, as well as scientific approaches. Turning to the specifics of the semantic load and the structure of the studied concepts allows us to identify common and special features, as well as to build a systemic connection between them. The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of ‘worldview’, the review of existing concepts of understanding the studied phenomenon in modern science, the systematization of ideas about the world picture and the determination of the features of the interaction of concepts related to it, the identification of the basic characteristics of the studied constructs. The results of the study confirmed the thesis that the picture of the world is formed in the process of evolutionary development of society. The studied phenomenon is distinguished by its dynamism, which determines its constant adaptation to the peculiarities of the formation of individual and collective consciousness of mankind.
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