


intertext, means of intertextuality, allusion, wordfor- word translation, contextual interpretation


The article deals with the study of allusion as a means of intertextuality in artistic discourse, as well as the ways and strategies of its rendering in the Ukrainian translation of Michael Cunningham’s novel ‘The Hours’. The operation of the author’s and ‘borrowed text’ within a single text formation is not surprising for the era of postmodernism in literary studies, however, in recent decades there has been a rapid trend of analyzing the means of intertextuality in the direction of translation studies, specifically in the search for relevant methods and strategies of their rendering in translation, as well as determines the relevance of the research. The article clarifies the specifics of the use of allusion and its place in the artistic text next to other intertextems, the key characteristics and differences from its ‘brothers’ and analyzes the most effective ways of its rendering. The research identifies and analyzes the most popular ways and strategies for rendering allusions in translation, taking into account other influencing factors, including frequency, context, author’s and translation’s intentions, recognizability, explicit marking. The article highlights the influence of the translator on conversion by intertext in translation, and also proves that the lack of a unified classification of means of intertextuality and a unified system of defining and choosing a translation strategy is more natural than accidental. According to the analysis, the selection of a functional/ contextual equivalent, omission/addition, generalization/clarification are the most frequent ways of rendering allusions, however, no single trend of choice can be traced so that a dominant way can be determined among those mentioned.


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