


audiovisual translation, subtitling, dubbing, correspondence, literal translation, borrowing, adaptation, modulation


The article compares the approaches to the translation of the world view in the translation from English into Ukrainian (based on the translation of the TV show “The Witcher”). The authors analyze approaches to audiovisual translation, and analyze differences in theoretical foundations for subtitling and dubbing as two main types of audiovisual translation. Thus, subtitling has restrictions regarding the time and space on the screen (not more than two rows, not more than 42 characters in one row, not more than 17 characters per second). In case of dubbing, translators are expected to adhere to three types of synchrony: phonetic synchrony (lip-synch), kinetic synchrony (correspondence between the picture and the sound), as well as isochrony (the length of the translated dialogue should not exceed that of the original). On the basis of translation solutions, defined by Jean-Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet, the authors analyze translation solutions to the selected material. The sample includes 121 units, which were split into four categories: mytho-zoonyms, toponyms, anthroponyms, and realia words. The authors subsequently analyze translation solutions across all groups and detect the dominant solutions both in subtitling, and in dubbing. It has been determined that correspondence and borrowing were the most dominant translation solutions for mythozoonyms. Borrowing was a key solution in the translation of both toponyms and anthroponyms. Realia words were mostly translated by means of literal translation. Overall, the most dominant solution for the whole sample was borrowing (more than two thirds of translation solutions observed), which is explained by the characteristic features of the units that express the world view in fantasy genre works.


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