



phraseological unit, gender-marked, sexism, stereotype, sex (gender), English/Ukrainian language


The present study investigates the problem of linguistic sexism in English and Ukrainian cultures; more precisely, gender-marked phraseological units that may be regarded as sexist as they express prejudiced opinions of the superiority of one sex (gender) over the other. The study is based on lexicographic material and is the first stage of our research on interaction of language and culture in what concerns the ideas of femininity and masculinity. Further research is planned to examine discourse of social media, which may give us better understanding of how gender-marked phraseological units function in communication and of their role in enforcing/breaking sexist stereotypes in the mind and speech. Several characteristics of the above English and Ukrainian phraseological units were singled out in the process of their interpretation: social role, compliance with its requirements, physical appearance, behaviour, personality traits, physical capability, intelligence. Comparative analysis of our material showed that in both languages many gender-marked phraseological units are sexist in form and meaning, ranging from mild humour to bitter sarcasm. Another common feature of the two languages is the existence of a body of gendermarked phraseological units that positively assess both males and females, i.e. are not sexist in their nature. Both in English and in Ukrainian there are groups of phraseological units that oppose and assess, positively or negatively, particular human characteristics within one gender category. The question whether such units express/imply sexist views requires further investigation. In our research material, difference between English and Ukrainian gendermarked phraseological units lies in more critical attitude to males, more attention to the role and status of woman in the family, and to family relationships in the Ukrainian culture; in the humorous colouring of a fair number of the analyzed Ukrainian phraseological units; and in their “democratic” spirit, which manifests itself in criticism directed in equal measure at males and females.


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