linguopoetics, song lyrics, mass culture, stylistic device, metaphor, allusionAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of linguopoetics and the subject matter of English song lyrics. The methodological basis of the research is the theoretical works on stylistics of the English language by V. Zhukovska and L. Yefimov; principles of text interpretation by V. Kukharenko; lexical and stylistic features of Ukrainian and English song lyrics by O. Kleshchova and M. Sterlikova; research of song discourse in English in the context of linguistic and cultural studies by M. Kuznetsova and A. Khodus. Attempts made by scientists in the direction of multi-aspect research and resourceful use of English song lyrics intensified the problem of its reinterpretation. However, the issue of the stylistic imagery of song lyrics in question has not yet been entirely and thoroughly clarified. The study singles out the creative components that form the integrity of song poetry, and bring together song lyrics and lyric verse. It should be noted that stylistic devices are the essential components of song lyrics, thanks to which its expressiveness, loquacity and imagery are realized, and each song has its own stylistic pattern, which reflects the intentions and artistic design of the author and performer. As a result of examining the most actualized stylistic figures in Amy Macdonald’s song texts, the article proves that the functioning of the metaphor in the singer’s work is aimed at strengthening the figurative attractiveness of the song text. In addition to metaphorical reflections, Amy Macdonald’s song lyrics are characterized by similes to highlight the external similarity of the compared objects, as well as a wide use of idiomatic expressions and frequent allusions. As the author often mentions famous actors/actresses, musicians, etc., her songs can be considered a kind of encyclopedia of contemporary mass culture. Quite meaningful are her song titles, which are interesting in terms of grammar structure, lexical and stylistic peculiarities.
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