critical discourse analysis, political discourse, speech strategy, means of speech strategies, repetition, contrast, generalization, intensificationAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of political discourse by means of critical discourse analysis. The study of political discourse helps to discover the influence of language on the formation of public consciousness and beliefs. Political discourse includes political speeches that play an important role in manipulating mass consciousness, shaping attitudes towards power, and creating and affirming the identity of political figures and parties. The study is based on American President Joseph Biden’s speech on the anniversary of the war in Ukraine. The article uses the tools of critical discourse analysis in order to reveal speaker’s hidden intentions. The political speech is analysed at the semantic and pragmatic levels. At the semantic level, words with positive and negative connotations were studied. It was found that the positive connotation significantly prevails, which indicates the optimistic attitude of the American president regarding the actions already taken in the fight against the aggressor russia. The article also discusses the means of implementing speech strategies proposed by Teun van Dijk, among which the most frequent were repetitions and contrasts, which were mainly used for the purpose of suggestive influence on listeners, implementing strategies of solidarity with the people of Ukraine, positive self-presentation and discrediting of the opponent. The scientific article is aimed at the academic community, researchers in linguistics, political science and sociology, as well as all those interested in the problems of the interaction of politics and language in modern society. The conclusions and recommendations of the article can be useful for increasing the level of media education, political literacy and critical thinking among citizens, which is an important aspect of ensuring a democratic society and conscious choice by all participants in the political process.
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