


gender equality, professional relationships, professional ethics, civil rights, law enforcement activities, social responsibility


This scientific article examines important aspects of gender communication in the police sector, highlighting its influence on professional and interpersonal relationships within this field. The research addresses issues of gender equality, the linguistic aspects of gender communication, interactions between police officers and citizens, as well as internal relationships among police personnel. The article emphasizes the importance of gender sensitivity in the context of modern police service reforms. The author explores the history and structural features of gender communication within the police, emphasizing that a lack of understanding and ignoring gender issues can lead to discrimination, misunderstandings, and a deterioration of the working environment. Special attention is given to the need for professional gender sensitivity training for law enforcement officers. Such training can help build trust among citizens, especially vulnerable populations, towards the police. The author also highlights how sociocultural factors and stereotypes affect the perception and interaction of the police with citizens, especially in cases involving victims of violence or discrimination. Furthermore, police service reform that integrates gender issues opens the door to greater participation of women in law enforcement activities. The author emphasizes that involving women not only promotes gender equality but can also make the police service more efficient, professional, and responsive to the needs of citizens. In conclusion, the article underscores the importance of gender sensitivity in police work, emphasizing the need for ongoing reforms and training to improve interactions with the public and the internal working environment.


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