polypredicative complex sentence, actual division, theme, rheme, information perspective peakAbstract
The article is an attempt to prove dependence in the location of information perspective peaks in polypredicative complex sentences in English-language prose on the peculiarities of their formal and grammatical structuring. The author proves that the number of such peaks is directly related to the syntactic structure of the polypredicative hypotactic construction. One peak of information perspective is common for polypredicative complex sentences with heterogeneous co-subordination of dependent clauses, consecutive subordination and heterogeneous co-subordination, as well as heterogeneous co-subordination and consecutive subordination. A few peaks of information perspective may be found in constructions with homogeneous co-subordination and also in structures where homogeneous syntactic connection precedes heterogeneous or consecutive one. The communicative approach to studying complex syntactic constructions creates additional possibilities for interpreting their heterogeneous communicative structure. The actual division theory is used as a methodology for identifying the most communicatively important elements of the hypotactic construction. The main aim of the article – setting up regularities between the information perspective peak(s) and the structural peculiarities of the constructions under study – is realized via the analysis of English fiction texts.
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