


borrowings, words of foreign origin, anglicisms, Ukrainian language, modern Ukrainian language


The scientific work characterizes the specifics of the functioning of anglicisms in the modern Ukrainian language. It is noted that as a result of the development of relations between states, the language is enriched with new word forms. Thus, the influence on the process of penetration of words of foreign origin is due to the activation of cultural and economic interaction between countries and peoples, bilingualism, the desire to internationalize the lexical block of a particular language, as well as the integration of Ukraine into the European community. It is noted that in the 21st century the number of anglicisms in the modern Ukrainian language is growing rapidly, which, in addition to the above factors, is also influenced by the role of the United States of America and Great Britain as countries that are of great importance in the course of modern world processes and their influence in general. It is emphasized that the mentioned factors could not but affect the language level of Ukrainians. It is noted that the appearance of a large number of anglicisms is due to the fact that new concepts, objects, actions, processes, etc. appeared that needed appropriate names. It was revealed that the reasons for borrowing foreign language components are also the lack of a precise word in the modern Ukrainian language to name this or that concept, abbreviated names, subjective perception of a foreign word as fashionable, as well as the fact that anglicisms make it possible to outline the meaning of a word more precisely and succinctly. The concept of «anglicism» is clarified, synonymous terms used to denote this concept are given and outlined, in particular, «English lexeme» or «English borrowing». Types of adaptation of words of foreign origin to the recipient language are outlined: phonetic, graphic, morphological, semantic. The peculiarities of reproduction of aglisms in modern Ukrainian are characterized, in particular through the Latin alphabet, transliteration, transcription of English-language units, in which the phonetic sound is reproduced using the graphic system of the recipient language. It is noted that the borrowing of anglicisms and their use must be motivated. The use of borrowings, in particular anglicisms, should be used when there is no equivalent in the Ukrainian language with the same meaning, in order to preserve the originality of the Ukrainian language, its color, authenticity.


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