term, ontology, agronomy, directions of agricultural vocabularyAbstract
The relevance of this article is due to the fact that scientific and technical progress has led to the rapid development of the science of knowledge, creating an opportunity to easily store, systematize and distribute information, thanks to which models of knowledge preservation and transfer and methods of using knowledge for various needs are being developed, including construction of artificial intelligence systems and quasi-intelligent communication and decision-making systems. Models such as ontologies and terminologies are most often used to represent knowledge. A set of terms is the basis of any terminological system, therefore the collection and description of terms is the basis of terminological work in any field. The selection of terms from written and oral linguistic sources is a very difficult, time-consuming and errorprone task. Successes in recent years in the automation of processing textual information have led to increased activity in the direction of the development of automated term processing systems. The use of terminology for the transfer of knowledge requires the introduction of additional information and, if necessary, changes in the structure of its presentation, which contributed to the emergence and spread of the use of ontologies, which are a detailed description of a specific subject area. The purpose of the article: study of the role of the terminology of the agrarian sphere in the presentation of knowledge, analysis of the main terminological units. As a result of the conducted scientific research, the following results were obtained: such models of knowledge representation as ontologies and terminology were characterized; it is stated that ontologies are divided into different types depending on the purpose and depending on the complexity of the concepts themselves; terminological features of the agricultural industry are considered, which confirms the novelty of the chosen direction. Thus, having made an ontological analysis of the agricultural sector, we came to the conclusion that depending on the purpose, applicable ontologies, ontologies of specific subject areas, generative ontologies and representation ontologies are distinguished. The most striking example is the ontologies of certain fields that provide their description.
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