national anthem, content matrix, frame, lacunarity, mandatory slot, usual slot, out-of-frame slot, duplication, substitutionAbstract
The proposed work is dedicated to finding out the ways and methods of information filling of the texts of the discursive genre «national anthem» of English- and German-speaking countries on the subject of frame modeling of their content. It was established that the content matrix is a kind of pattern of their (texts) content organization, the essence of which can be visually represented in terms of frame semantics. A careful examination of more than 40 anthem texts made it possible to find out that the algorithm of their constitution is based on an optimally sufficient seven-part frame with such mandatory slots as «the country: what is it like» and «the pathos of ideological guidelines» and usual slots («tasks of the government», «the task of the people», «the enemy: what is he», «the goal of the country’s development», «the oath of loyalty to the country»). At the same time, the first is the thematic top of the frame, providing objective information about the country to which it is dedicated, through the use of toponymic, evaluative and descriptive vocabulary, and the second – ideological information about the spirit of the era, based on patriotism (monarchocentric, nationalist, emphatic, romantic), religiosity and consumerism. Іt is stated that each of the terminal slots of both types – obligatory and terminal – can acquire both a complete and a lacunar form in the texts of anthems. In some cases, lacunarity / vacancy can be eliminated with the help of extra-frame slots by duplicating or substituting them. Between these types of slots there is no relationship of subordination, but there is a relationship of mutual support and mutual complementation (symbiosis). The conventionality of the frame structure of hymn texts, on the one hand, determines the typical models of their constitution, and on the other hand, does not impose a ban on filling them with non-conventional information.
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