


volition, modality of volition, intentional volition, communicative-pragmatic approach, communicativepragmatic intention, communicative-pragmatic potential, communicative situation


The article deals with a comprehensive analysis of utterances with modality of intentional volition and their communicative-pragmatic potential, particularly within modern British fiction. Despite a number of studies, there is still a lack of clarity in defining semantic types of intentional volition and understanding their pragmatic aspects. This study aims to investigate the underlying intentions of the speaker and how they affect the addressee in specific communicative situations by employing a communicative-pragmatic approach. In the article, the following communicative situations have been analysed: communicative situation of advice, communicative situation of suggestion, communicative situation of request, communicative situation of appeal, communicative situation of necessity, and communicative situation of invitation. These communicative situations exemplify diverse ways in which intentional volition is manifested through language, each involving distinct communicative-pragmatic intentions and eliciting varying responses from the addressee. Utterances with the modality of intentional volition, such as advice, suggestion, request, appeal, necessity, and invitation, are analysed for their characteristic features, emphasizing the importance of the addressee’s autonomy in the decision-making process regarding action implementation. Various examples from modern British fiction are provided in the article to demonstrate the functioning of intentional volition in different communicative situations, which contributes to a deeper understanding of the peculiarities of the modality of intentional volition. Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of elucidating the communicative-pragmatic potential of intentional volition in modern British fiction, which greatly enhances our understanding of literary discourse and its intricate relationship with linguistic phenomena.


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