


dialectism, translation substitutions, communicative function, ethnographic function, expressive load, translation adequacy, translation decisions, Pokuttian dialect forms


The article deals with the functional features of Vasyl Stefanyk’s dialectisms and their rendering into French. Attention is focused on the problem of preserving the communicative, ethnographic, expressive and expressive functions of the literary text dialectal content by means of the French language. It has been established that translation substitutions that neutralise the expressive role of expressively loaded dialectisms in the French translation of Vasyl Stefanyk’s creative heritage occur at different language levels. The authors propose that an adequate rendering of the Pokuttian dialectal component by means of the French language seems likely at the functional interlingual level. The outlining of the translation issues of the role segments of the literary text dialectal content made it possible to clarify the ways of their rendering into French. The factors of communicative and ethnographic information in the semantics of Pokuttian dialect forms and their French translation analogues are determined. It has been found that dialect units at different language levels create considerable difficulties for their transfer to the textual fabric of a foreign language space. The idea of the impossibility of Pokuttian dialectisms equivalent translation by units of any French dialect due to differences in linguistic, territorial and ethnographic practices of word usage and word forms is confirmed. Possible ways of translation solutions for preserving the expressive and ethnographic component of the Pokuttian dialect units meaning in French translation are identified. It is specified that in the process of translating V. Stefanyk’s dialect speech, one should focus on different registers of the French spoken language and take into account the peculiarities of its dialectal varieties, as well as use truncated colloquially marked word forms, elliptical possibilities of determiners and vernacular syntax. The article outlines a research perspective in the field of translation of Ukrainian dialectal elements on certain linguistic and stylistic levels in the French-speaking literary and communicative space.


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