


language world model, language personality, language creativity, title of the work, onomastics, Fedir Potushniak, poetic work, artistic speech


The article presents the titles of Fedir Potushniak’s works of art as an object of onomastic research. An analysis of the names of poetic texts in the language of Fedir Potushniak, which impress with their imagery and originality and carry a special semantic load, is made. The object of research was Fedir Potushniak’s language work, and the subject was nominations of titles in the poet’s various poetry collections. The following methods of scientific research are used in the work, which are conditioned by the specificity of the researched material, namely: the descriptive method using its main techniques (observation, interpretation, generalization) and component and contextualinterpretive methods. In the course of our work, theoretical and methodological foundations of onomastics were analyzed and approaches to the analysis of Fedir Potushniak’s language creation were determined. As a result of the work carried out, several lexical and thematic groups were selected from the large amount of analyzed material: names of works that indicate the object or subject of the image in the work; names of flowers, trees and their signs; destination names; names denoting the place of action of the work; names that one way or another or conditionally outline the genre of the work; names that specifically indicate the hero of the work or its features; names indicating the time of an action that has taken place, is taking place or will take place. It is noted that the largest group is the names of works of art, which indicate the object or subject of the image in the work. This indicates that the author wanted to focus attention on the main image or motif of the work. It is also emphasized that the writer used a large amount of abstract vocabulary in the titles of the works of art, which provides additional meaning, which is embedded in the title of the work itself and can be interpreted through one’s own associations and conjectures. In addition, it was noted that Fedir Potushniak’s language work has a considerable number of works of art that have so-called «technical names» and this aspect of the writer’s language work needs to be studied in more detail in the future.


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